martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Unit 6: Fragile Earth

Let's deal with environmental issues and global warming, a quiz.

Now have a look at this enviromental alphabet.

exercise 1
exercise 2

Read about environmental warnings here.

Some more vocabulary and a hangman about environment.

A childish game of dos and donts, a short story
...and if you have time there are more activities about environment in this link.

Now you have to write a Campaign Leaflet about one of the following issues:
Disease, famine,global warming, homelessness, polution, poverty

The Structure is the following;

1st Paragraph.
The Problem

______________ is a serious problem. It affects ________________ people. Every day/ week/ month people are ______________________.
_______________________ is caused by ____________ and we have to find a solution otherwise ____________.

2nd Paragraph
The Solution

How can we combat the problem? Maybe we cannot solve the full problem but there are many things we can do for , at least, helping.......
First we can raise awareness________
In addition we can raise money________
We can also put presure on politicians_________

3rd Paragraph
What can you do to help (Purpose of the Campaign)

We are organizing a demonstration/ petition of signatures/ concert to raise awareness/put presure on politicians about the problem.
We are also raising money to _________________.

HELP US TO _______________________________-

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